Without faith, inspiration and encouragement, “I Will Survive” is little more than an empty catch phrase. Now, I can’t claim to have all the answers to everybody’s questions. But a seed has been planted in my life; it inspires me every day. I have survived with the nourishment of caring people who have encouraged me over the years. I believe I’ve learned a few things that can make each individual’s world better, and I would love to share some inspiration with you:
To Love is to do something at one’s own expense for the benefit of someone else. This is how we can love our neighbor, this is how we can love everyone.
Some relationships seem too hot not to cool down. But when the emotional flames die down, there needs to be some mental and spiritual fuel to keep the embers of romance burning. Before you are ready for marriage, you must be sure you’ve tried (become acquainted with) enough of the rest equally and be equally sure you’ve been blessed by the best (for you) , so you are ready for, and capable of true fidelity.
You don’t have to change friends if you recognize that friends change.
Any attempt to deceive, encourage, persuade or influence someone to believe anything other than the truth is a lie.
The central motive in a person’s life should be a desire to know and please God. Jesus promises that if this is taken seriously and is seriously practiced, all of your needs and righteous desires will be met.
God, grant me the compassion to pray for the people I don’t or shouldn’t like, bless me to meet the ones I should, and give me the discernment to know the difference.
Love is benefitting or gratifying the needs or righteous desires of others at expense of self. Therefore, we can love anyone and everyone to the extent that we know their needs and righteous desires.
Your attitude determines your altitude.
Either you control your anger, or your anger will control you.
Whatever you experience is colored by the condition of your heart. if you let the Lord condition your heart, you will have pure perceptions of your experiences.
To repent means to acknowledge your thoughts, actions or feelings as wrong, and make a sincere effort to never repeat the offense.
Women are relationship oriented. They find fulfillment in their relationships. If a woman cannot form quality relationships, she will form emotionally unhealthy relationships. She needs help to become singularly whole. Men are accomplishment oriented. They find fulfillment in their jobs. If a man cannot be productive legally, ethically, and morally, he will become productive illegally, unethically, and/or immorally, or he will become self destructive. He needs help to determine his abilities and/or find a productive outlet for them.
A true friend is one who knows all your faults and loves you anyway.
When you allow someone else’s actions or words to cause you to act out of character in a way that you know is not advantageous to you, you give that person more power over you than any human being should have.
Gossip is anything negative you would not want the subject of your conversation to hear you saying.
Discipline is the only bridge between desire and accomplishment.
Consistency is basic to accomplishment and basic to discipline.
Procrastination is a thief. It steals your choices, opportunities and time.
If a person is proud of his accomplishments at work but not of himself as a person, he will allow his work to become who he is instead of what he does. Therefore, if you in any way criticize his work, he will perceive it as if you were attacking his person.
Once time is lost, it is lost. You will never find time for what is important to you. You have to make time for it.
To not forgive someone is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies. To forgive someone does not mean to feel, believe, or act as if what they did was not wrong or suddenly acceptable. It simply means to stop wanting them to pay for what they did, and start wanting them to simply recognize and/or realize what they did, and take responsibility for it for their own good. That is why you need God’s help to forgive.
A person’s life consists of his faith, who he is, what he stands for, how he uses his gifts, talents, and abilities, his quality relationships, and what he is willing to live or die for.
In all areas of life, seek truth and surrender to it.
You are not responsible for who or when you were born, but you are responsible for who
you become.
The only measure of adulthood is your sense of responsibility…response-ability. That is your willingness and ability to positively and adequately respond to the needs and righteous desires of yourself and anyone whose welfare is in your control.
Your decisions are not the result of your current thoughts on a matter. They are products of your character.
Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your character and your character becomes your reputation.
You, as an individual, must grow in order to respect and appreciate the growth and progress of those around you.
Regardless of how many birthdays you have had, maturity grows out of the lessons you have managed to learn and principles you have determined to live by, because of the experiences you have had.
Heroes are not fearless, they are just willing to do what is necessary in spite of their fear.
It is better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.